diff --git a/exposureinitializer/exposureinitializer.py b/exposureinitializer/exposureinitializer.py
index e399dbf91d24648b00d16257f80d92d62f6437d7..8e2dc6bfd44cecee47e62534d06d692c359abf72 100644
--- a/exposureinitializer/exposureinitializer.py
+++ b/exposureinitializer/exposureinitializer.py
@@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ import sys
 import argparse
 import configparser
 import datetime
+import glob
+import csv
 from databaselib.database import PostGISDatabase
 from exposurelib.database import SpatiaLiteExposure, PostGISExposure
+from exposurelib.utils import add_occupancy_to_taxonomy
 # Add a logger printing error, warning, info and debug messages to the screen
@@ -155,6 +158,212 @@ class ExposureInitializer:
+    @staticmethod
+    def add_asset_to_dict(asset_dict, taxonomy_id, asset):
+        """
+        Adds an asset to an asset list by first searching for an asset with the same taxonomy in
+        the list. If found, the asset is added to the existing one, otherwise the list is
+        extended by the new asset.
+        Args:
+            asset_dict (dict of dicts):
+                Dictionary of assets.
+            taxonomy_id (int):
+                ID of the taxonomy (refers to `id` in table `Taxonomy`)
+            asset (dict):
+                Asset to be added to `asset_dict` under the key `taxonomy_id`.
+                Each asset contains of:
+                    number    : number of buildings or proportion of building
+                    structural: structural costs of the asset
+                    night     : nighttime population of the asset
+        Returns:
+            The asset dictionary with the new asset added
+        """
+        if asset_dict.get(taxonomy_id, None) is None:
+            asset_dict[taxonomy_id] = {
+                "number": asset["number"],
+                "structural": asset["structural"],
+                "night": asset["night"],
+            }
+        else:
+            asset_dict[taxonomy_id]["number"] += asset["number"]
+            asset_dict[taxonomy_id]["structural"] += asset["structural"]
+            asset_dict[taxonomy_id]["night"] += asset["night"]
+        return asset_dict
+    def process_district(self, boundary_id, country_iso_code, asset_dict):
+        """
+        Processes all assets provided in `asset_list` for one district with `boundary_id`.
+        First, the asset list is reduced to unique taxonomy entries by summing up all key
+        values per taxonomy. Second, all tiles within the boundary with `boundary_id` are
+        identified and their proportion of the built area compared to the sum of the built area
+        of the selected tiles is computed. Third, for each tile with a built area a
+        reference entity is created and the reduced asset list is inserted as reference assets
+        with all values multiplied by the proportion factor, herby distributing all assets of
+        the exposure model proportionally on the built area to the tiles (entities).
+        Args:
+            boundary_id (str):
+                ID of the district boundary
+            country_iso_code (str):
+                ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the country
+            asset_dict (dict):
+                Dictionary of asset values
+        """
+        # Get all tiles within the boundary, estimate their built_area proportion and
+        # create the EntityReference and AssetReference datasets
+        logger.info("Query the built-area proportion per tile")
+        # Query explanation: Subquery `A` selects all tiles and is joined with subquery `B`
+        # selecting the boundary, resulting in subquery `T` delivering all tiles for which the
+        # centroid is located within the boundary. This subquery `T` is then used twice, first
+        # in subquery `SumQuery` to estimate the sum of the built-area and the cross-joined
+        # query retrieving the built-area size per tile to compute the built-area proportion.
+        if isinstance(self.exposure_db, SpatiaLiteExposure):
+            where_clause = "WHERE built_area_size IS NOT NULL"
+        else:
+            where_clause = "WHERE A.geometry && B.border AND built_area_size IS NOT NULL"
+        sql_statement = f"""
+            WITH T AS
+            (
+                SELECT quadkey, built_area_size
+                FROM
+                (
+                    SELECT quadkey, built_area_size, country_iso_code,
+                        {self.exposure_db.geometry_field}
+                    FROM {self.exposure_db.tile_view}
+                ) AS A
+                INNER JOIN
+                (
+                    SELECT {self.exposure_db.geometry_field} AS border
+                    FROM {self.exposure_db.boundary_table}
+                    WHERE {self.exposure_db.boundary_id_field}= '{boundary_id}'
+                ) AS B
+                ON ST_Contains(B.border, ST_Centroid(A.{self.exposure_db.geometry_field}))
+                {where_clause}
+            )
+            SELECT T.quadkey, T.built_area_size/SumQuery.total_sum as proportion
+            FROM T
+            CROSS JOIN
+            (
+                SELECT SUM(T.built_area_size) as total_sum FROM T
+            ) AS SumQuery
+            """
+        self.exposure_db.cursor.execute(sql_statement)
+        tiles = self.exposure_db.cursor.fetchall()
+        logger.info("Insert assets for each tile in boundary %s" % boundary_id)
+        for quadkey, proportion in tiles:
+            # Check if entity exists in EntityReference and create if necessary
+            entity_id = self.exposure_db.get_reference_entity_id(quadkey)
+            if entity_id is None:
+                entity_id = self.exposure_db.insert_reference_entity(quadkey, country_iso_code)
+            # Add the respective assets by proportion of built area to `AssetReference`
+            for taxonomy_id, value in asset_dict.items():
+                sql_statement = """
+                    INSERT INTO AssetReference
+                    (entity_id, taxonomy_id, number, structural, night)
+                    VALUES (%d, %d, %f, %f, %f)
+                    """ % (
+                    entity_id,
+                    int(taxonomy_id),  # taxonomy_id
+                    float(value["number"]) * proportion,  # number
+                    float(value["structural"]) * proportion,  # structural
+                    float(value["night"]) * proportion,  # night
+                )
+                self.exposure_db.cursor.execute(sql_statement)
+        self.exposure_db.connection.commit()
+    def import_exposure(self, exposure_model_search_pattern, country_iso_code):
+        """
+        Imports an OpenQuake-compatible aggregated exposure model into baseline entities and
+        baseline assets. The function reads in all exposure models matching the search
+        pattern. Each file is read line by line assuming that all assets of one location are
+        stored consecutively in the file. The function collects all assets per district and
+        passes them to the `process_district` function to be processed and stored in the
+        database. It also collects all assets of the entire country, normalizes them and stores
+        them as the country-average asset distribution in `AssetCountry`.
+        Args:
+            exposure_model_search_pattern (str):
+                Search pattern to identify all necessary exposure filepaths.
+            country_iso_code (str):
+                ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code of the country.
+        """
+        country_asset_dict = {}
+        # Iterate through all given exposure files
+        for exposure_filepath in glob.glob(exposure_model_search_pattern):
+            logger.info(f"Processing {exposure_filepath}")
+            csv_reader = csv.DictReader(open(exposure_filepath), delimiter=",")
+            # Sort the exposure file by boundary ID to have all assets of one district being
+            # listed consecutively to avoid listing same taxonomies multiple times
+            sorted_exposure = sorted(csv_reader, key=lambda line: line["BOUNDARY_ID"])
+            # Prepare the control variables
+            last_boundary_id = None
+            location_count = 0
+            asset_dict = {}
+            boundary_id = None
+            for row in sorted_exposure:
+                # Check if the line starts the asset list of a new location
+                if not (last_boundary_id == row["BOUNDARY_ID"]):
+                    if location_count > 0:
+                        pass
+                        self.process_district(boundary_id, country_iso_code, asset_dict)
+                    location_count += 1
+                    boundary_id = row["BOUNDARY_ID"]
+                    asset_dict = {}  # Reset the location-based asset dictionary
+                    last_boundary_id = row["BOUNDARY_ID"]
+                # Read in an asset
+                # Add the occupancy to the taxonomy string and store it in the database
+                taxonomy = add_occupancy_to_taxonomy(
+                    row["TAXONOMY"], str(row["OCCUPANCY"]).upper()
+                )
+                if not self.exposure_db.taxonomy_string_exists(taxonomy):
+                    self.exposure_db.insert_taxonomy(taxonomy)
+                taxonomy_id = self.exposure_db.get_taxonomy_id(taxonomy)
+                asset = {
+                    "number": float(row["BUILDINGS"]),
+                    "structural": float(row["COST_STRUCTURAL_EUR"]),
+                    "night": float(row["OCCUPANTS_PER_ASSET_NIGHT"]),
+                }
+                # Store the asset in a location-based list and country-based list
+                asset_dict = self.add_asset_to_dict(asset_dict, taxonomy_id, asset)
+                country_asset_dict = self.add_asset_to_dict(
+                    country_asset_dict, taxonomy_id, asset
+                )
+            self.process_district(boundary_id, country_iso_code, asset_dict)
+        logger.info("Assign the country-average assets")
+        # Normalize the country-average asset distribution
+        sum_number = 0
+        for taxonomy_id, value in country_asset_dict.items():
+            sum_number += value["number"]
+        # Assign the country-average asset distribution to the country assets
+        for taxonomy_id, value in country_asset_dict.items():
+            sql_statement = """
+                INSERT INTO AssetCountry
+                (country_iso_code, taxonomy_id, number, number_normalized, structural,
+                 structural_normalized, night, night_normalized)
+                VALUES ('%s', %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f)
+                """ % (
+                country_iso_code,
+                int(taxonomy_id),
+                float(value["number"]),
+                float(value["number"]) / sum_number,
+                float(value["structural"]),
+                float(value["structural"]) / sum_number,
+                float(value["night"]),
+                float(value["night"]) / sum_number,
+            )
+            self.exposure_db.cursor.execute(sql_statement)
+        self.exposure_db.connection.commit()
 def command_line_interface():
@@ -274,7 +483,7 @@ def command_line_interface():
-        # distributor.import_exposure(exposure_model, country_iso_code)
+        distributor.import_exposure(exposure_model, country_iso_code)
         # distributor.process_gaps_in_exposure(country_iso_code, country_boundary_id)