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Feature/database integration

Karsten Prehn requested to merge feature/database-integration into main

This integrates the database calls to fetch the inland-water bodies and to update the tiles-database with the final calculation results to the main discretization routine.

  • Function database_in_bbox has been renamed to fetch_tiledata to be more in line with function name import_tilegrid
  • Functions _query_arguments, _upsert_argslists and _build_sql_statement have been moved from DatabaseHandler
  • Function classify_coast_buffer has been renamed to coast_tiles and shortened, as it turned out the function doesn't classify anything, but returns coastal tiles
  • Function static_data_in_quadkey now also classfies coast-tiles to inland-water (did already classify to land or sea-water)
  • Several blocks of code are shifted around making this MR appear larger than it actually is

\approve @ds @laurens

Edited by Karsten Prehn

Merge request reports
