Version used for the 24.07 data release
Alpha version of the refactored exposure-lib
Second beta version for the 24.07 model
First beta version for the 24.07 model
Change asset table name and OSM-ID access based on output model in the import_exposure() function
Change function to allow for imports from SpatiaLite databases
Fix bug in the 'batched()' function
Add keyword argument to define the number of items per batch in the 'import_from_postgis()' function
Add new handling of the height attribute
Implement SQL functions from Initializer
Add program to upload population values into the 'Metadata' table
Implement the option to import data of a super tile and a function to check if entities exist in a tile
Optimize SQL query that imports assets from PostGIS to SpatiaLite
Implement a function to check whether entities exist for a country and restructure the Quadkey selection statement of the country calibration SQL query
Retrieve the floorspace attribute in function 'get_country_buildings_iter'
Function apply_entity_calibration takes tiles instead of entities as input
Add function to sum all asset values per tile
Calibrate population values per entity batch instead of per country
Set default overwrite statement for metadata key-value pairs to False
Implemented all SQL queries from Finalizer as functions