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First implementation of code to build station and hazard database

Graeme Weatherill requested to merge feature/haz_db_part1 into main

Implements code to compile complete station observation and model database, including:

  1. pshatest.station_database.StationDatabase the main class to combine, archive and retrieve information about the stations including the residuals, hazard results, associated catalogues and metadata

  2. Declustering tools to implement a basic declustering algorithm (based on Grünthal adaptation of Gardner & Knopoff 1974)

Additional changes have been made to previous tools, including:

  1. Addition of calculation of random effects residuals dBe and dWes using the approach of Abrahamson & Youngs (1992) - simple alternative to the full database that can be useful when only a few earthquakes are included in the database

  2. Functions to split a flatfile into strong and weak motion subsets and to export flatfile to shapefiles.

Merge request reports
