This repository contains codes and datafiles that were generated within the
scope of our study "Ground-Motion Modeling as an Image Processing Task:
Introducing a Neural Network Based, Fully Data-Driven,and Nonergodic Approach"
(Lilienkamp et al. 2022)
Core functions are stored in the file <code>unetgmm/</code>
Some precalculated datafiles are stored in <code>unetgmm/data/predefined</code>
## Prerequisites
This code was developed under Ubuntu 18.04
[1] Clone this repository:
<code> git clone </code>
[2] Create virtual environment:
<code> python3.8 -m venv ~/py38_unetgmm </code>
[3] Activate virtual environment:
<code> source ~/py38_unetgmm/bin/activate </code>
[4] Upgrade pip:
<code> pip3 install --upgrade pip </code>
[5] Install required packages:
To reproduce the results from our study in the Kanto basin presented in
Lilienkamp et al. (2022) conduct the following steps:
[1] Download Bahrampouri et al. (2021) strong motion database from:
and store files in unetgmm/data/strong_motion/
[2] Download the "depth to seismic bedrock (V.3.2 ESRI shapefile “Subsurface
Structure” (layer 30)
(The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, 2021)
[3] Sample "depth to seismic bedrock" at regular grid sites given in the file:
Normalize sampled values between 0 and 1 and store the result as a numpy
array of shape (572x572) in:
[4] run <code> python3 unetgmm/processing/ </code>
[5] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
[6] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
[7] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
Results will be stored in unetgmm/results/figures/
To reproduce the results from our synthetic study presented in
Lilienkamp et al. (2022) conduct the following steps:
[1] run <code> python3 unetgmm/processing/ </code>
[2] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
[3] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
[4] run <code> python3 unetgmm/modeling/ </code>
Results will be stored in unetgmm/results/figures/
## References
Bahrampouri, M., A. Rodriguez-Marek, S. Shahi, and H. Dawood (2021).
An updated database for ground motion parameters for KiK-net records,
Earthq. Spectra 37, no. 1, 505–522, doi: 10.1177/ 8755293020952447.
The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion (2021).
Modeling concept of subsurface structures from seismic bedrock to ground
surface, available at
(last accessed January 2022) (in Japanese).
Lilienkamp, H., S. von Specht, G. Weatherill, G. Caire, and F. Cotton (2022). Ground-Motion
Modeling as an Image Processing Task: Introducing a Neural Network Based, Fully Data-
Driven, and Nonergodic Approach. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 112,
no. 3, 1565–1582. doi:10.1785/0120220008.